Friday, November 26, 2010

The Sweep

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. 2 Chronicles 16:9

As part of a research project, I asked a classroom aide to visit my classroom on several occasions to make a “sweep” study. My study had to do with the focus of whole classes, and to which activities they paid the most attention. For each activity I did within my half hour class, I supplied a seating chart with four indicators of attentive behavior and four of inattentive. This helper was to watch a child for a couple of seconds, make a plus or minus mark on the page, and then go to the next child, canvassing each child many times throughout an activity. I grouped my various activities into general categories to obtain my results.

Based on this anecdotal research, I was able to produce some findings about individual students, about interest in my diverse activities, and about various whole classes. Some conclusions I expected to find, but others surprised me. I learned that when I was caught up in teaching, I sometimes concluded incorrectly.

We can be sure though, that God sees all with absolute attention and true conclusions. Not only does he look at the outward appearance, but he also looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7). Unlike some annoying students who always looked inattentive, but could answer every question correctly that I posed to them, God sees not only our actions, but also our heart motivation. May this fact serve us as a comfort or a warning!!

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