Monday, August 29, 2022

A Renovation Project


[Photo of a renovated corridor]

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect
the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into
his likeness with ever-increasing glory,
which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
—2 Corinthians 3:18

No one was surprised that my elementary school, the oldest in town, needed renovation. No other option existed. We had to go through this process over the course of a school year and two summers. What a mess this made of our schedules, our classrooms, our special events, and our programs.

One winter’s day before Christmas, we even had to take the entire student population on a “field trip,” visiting other buildings in town for special programs. The students came to school in the morning, were sent onto another bus with their fellow class members for the “field trip,” and at the end of the day came back to school, where they then got on their regular buses for the trip home.

During this time of renovation, we tolerated a long year of sacrifices. But, once renovations were finally completed, the building became the boast of the town. We had new windows, new heating and air conditioning, a new roof, new carpeting, new counters, a new fire alarm system, and even new furniture. The changes ensured more comfort, safety, and productivity. We had a like-new, attractive place to teach and learn. As another September came around, once the renovations were completed, what a fun school year opening it was!

At some point in our lives, we may find that the Lord wants to take us through a renovation process. We should likely be prepared for a messy job. We’ll probably find things in “closets” that we had forgotten we had stored there, and see “dust” that embarrasses us. We may find that our lives will get disrupted and become uncomfortable. No longer will God accept the old sins we’ve lived with for so long.

The Lord needs us for more productive, and even more attractive, work for His Kingdom. Maybe He wants new “windows” from which we can view the world more like He does. God wants to clean up our inner persons and rebuild us to serve His purposes in the world. In response to God’s renovation plan, we need to trust ourselves into the wise and loving hands of the Master Builder. He does everything well! As a result of His work on us, we will experience a new usefulness and a new joy.

When God was about to begin a major renovation on their hearts and on their culture, God gave the Prophet Isaiah words that he might tell the City of Jerusalem. Please read these words from Isaiah 54:11-12:

O afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted, I will build you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with sapphires. I will make your battlements of rubies, your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of precious stones.

Oh what a beautiful prospect for a ruined and torn down city. A renovation project indeed! God always sees the renovation project to the final completion of its glorious end. We can surely count on Him.