Monday, December 9, 2013

The Women of Christmas: Mary


[Photo of old postcards and a magnifying glass]

 “My soul doth magnify the Lord.”
 —Luke 1:46 (KJV)

Mary’s Song, the Magnificat, in Luke 1:46-55, offers us something worthy to study during Advent. What beautiful language from a young girl in the midst of a startling and newly revealed sacred responsibility—to give birth to the Messiah.

The first sentence captures my imagination. I love to read it from the King James Version of the Holy Bible, as stated at the beginning of the blog post.

Other translations use the words, “glorify” or “exalt,” but for me, the word “Magnify” has a richer image. Even the Latin “Magnificat” comes from the same root word.

We think of magnifying glasses for people who have lost the ability to see small print. They need to magnify the text to understand it. We know that students often use magnifying glasses when they observe tiny animals or plants to better see the details.

To magnify something makes it appear bigger, brings it closer, allows us to know things we might miss otherwise. How did Mary magnify the Lord? She went on to praise Him and worship Him for doing wonderful things.

This wonderful Song of Mary includes fifteen quotes from the Old Testament in which other believers magnified the Lord before her. They expounded on the blessings He had given, the merits of His grace, the wonder of His working. In doing so, they witnessed to others the greatness of their God, and ours.

Several other passages in Scripture speak of magnifying the Lord. Again in the King James Version—Psalm 34:3:

“O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.”

And, speaking of the miracles that God performed through the Apostle Paul as recorded in Acts 19:17:

“Fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.”

As believers, our lives either magnify Him or diminish Him. How can we magnify our Lord and bring others to the place where they will take a closer look at Him?

When others watch our lives, do they see Him in a clearer way? When we gather to exalt Him in worship, do we make Him more understandable, more attractive, more able for others to long for His Presence in their lives?

I pray that the Lord will show all of us during this Advent and Christmas season how we can magnify His goodness, His power, His works, His holiness, His mercy, His grace, and His love.

May those around us see Him through our lives and desire to take another look at Him!



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